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Why Sloth Pipe?

Developers want pipes. They’ve been one of the most requested features in JavaScript for years, and there’s even a Stage 2 proposal for adding them to the language. Sloth Pipe isn’t a direct replacement for the proposed pipeline operator, but it does offer a similar experience and many of the same benefits.


Sloth Pipe offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful and flexible tool for working with:

  • Lazy Evaluation: Computations are only performed when necessary, optimizing performance and resource utilization.
  • Chainable API: Enables the creation of fluent and readable code by chaining multiple operations.
  • Error Handling: Built-in support for error handling within the pipe.
  • Async/Await Compatibility: Seamlessly integrate asynchronous functions into your pipes.
  • Tap Operations: Allows side-effects without altering the pipe’s main data flow.
  • Reusable pipes: Easily reuse pipes, even after execution.
  • Extensible: Easily extendable with custom functions and operations.
  • Type-Safe: Written in TypeScript, with full support for type inference and type safety.
  • Lightweight: Small and lightweight, with no external dependencies.
  • Well-Tested: Thoroughly tested with 100% code coverage.